Big Data & Marketing: From hype to reality 2017
Big Data is the buzzword for years now. Harvard Business Review (HBR) featured the topic in a full guide. In 2017 the hype is reality with all the growing pains that belong to it. Early days’ tools are replaced by integrated tools with better user experience. Young data scientists challenge old school marketing talent. Consumers will perceive even more privacy intrusions than In the past. Big data marketing and predictive analysis, sometimes off the mark but improving. Even more data and analysis.
Some argue that big data marketing is the end of consumer research as we know it. This may be true for the small size local research company. The research companies as we know them (GfK, Nielsen,TNS) are already in full swing with big data, collection, analysis and the subsequent lessons for marketeers. Worldwide we are supported by these giants in research and data in the dynamic consumer goods world.
21st Century Values
Our values of Product of the Year Worldwide are reliability, efficiency, consistency, respect and commitment. Another word that characterizes our relationship with external and internal stakeholders is transparency. We value transparency for the openness of our communication and the sharing of knowledge in the triangle brand-consumer- retail channel as in the sharing of knowledge. At a recent internal licensee meeting we also aligned our purpose with that of most of our clients to strive for a better world. Very 21 st century and we feel good about the fact to jointly with all stakeholders create value in this way.
Brand Enthusiasm
Engagement with the customer and the engagement of customers with the brand. It turns out that millennials are fully into engagement with brands, more so than other shoppers. The millennials drive the growth of A-Brands that have exciting innovative products. Their expectations are high, loyalty is low, so if another brand comes with exciting innovations, the switch is easily made. All the more reason to increase engagement AND make innovations meaningful.
Brand enthusiasm: More than loyalty by IBM Institute for Business Value
30-Year Anniversary
The 30th Anniversary of Voted Product of the Year will be celebrated in Paris on Thursday 19 January 2017 at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées, 15 avenue Montaigne. It was in France in 1987 that the first Voted Product of the Year Event took place. The annual Voted Product of the Year ceremony is the occasion for the honorary patron to greet the winners and reward their innovations. President and CEO of E.Leclerc, Mr. Michel-Edouard Leclerc will be the honorary patron of the 2017 Voted Product of the Year edition. It is also the occasion for marketeers to gather together and exchange views on the sector. In addition, the attendants will get a sneak preview into the coming decades, emphasizing the accelerating pace of innovation in FMCG and the new marketing and activation tools in the digital age.
π (Pi)-Oh-Why?
In many countries POY is used as the abbreviation for Product of The Year. Pronunciation differs of course. In many countries pi (or π) also stands for Performance Improvement with a factor of 3.14159265359 (or π). Improvement or Return on Innovation with a factor of π is a nice return. It is also the answer for a lot of marketeers as to why they take part in Product of the Year.
Award Season
Just after the “Holiday Season” the Award Season will start. National brands in 37 countries will be rewarded for their hard work in producing new innovative consumer goods. The calendar for January and February fills up quickly. Each Award Ceremony is strictly by invitation. If you are interested in assisting at a particular event, please send an email to [email protected] (Press & Media) or [email protected].
Activation Summit in Brussels
More than 30 countries will be present at the summit of activation specialists to take place in November in Brussels. The goal for the participants is to learn about new and successful marketing/activation techniques from each other. In addition, they will share best operational practices as Product of the Year Licensees on 5 continents